School Vision
Our Vision Statement
At Riverbank we are:
”Learning together to be the best we can”.
We aim to achieve, through purposeful partnerships, a high quality education for all pupils.
The purpose of Riverbank School is to create a professional environment in which pupils can receive their curriculum entitlement. We have high expectations and hope to enable pupils to achieve their goals.
In order for the school to achieve these goals, we begin with the individual needs of the child. These encompass the whole child – not just the academic but also the social, behavioural, medical and moral needs.
Equal Opportunities Summary Statement
Riverbank School is committed to working towards race and gender equality, and to the creation of an inclusive culture in which every individual, regardless of ability and background, is enabled to participate and is valued as a member of the school community. We therefore promote positive approaches to difference and foster respect for people of all cultural backgrounds.
Stereotyped ways of thinking are the result of ignorance and may result in low self-esteem and limited aspirations. The school values and encourages involvement of people from all sections of the community, and through this involvement aims to provide positive images, which challenge stereotyped thinking.
The school is opposed to all forms of prejudice and discrimination, whether on the basis of race, gender, disability or social circumstances. Language or behaviour, which is racist, sexist or potentially damaging to any group will not be tolerated and will be challenged.
We recognise that British and Welsh culture is made up of people from many different racial, cultural religious and linguistic backgrounds. It is important that all pupils are prepared to live in such a diverse society.